appalling: ontstellend erg.

Arts and Crafts Style: designbeweging uit de Victoriaanse tijd waarbij ernaar gestreefd werd duurzame huizen en interieurs te ontwerpen ‘voor de arbeider en door de arbeider’. De beweging was gebaseerd op een romantische visie van de middeleeuwse gilden en hun vakmanschap en kantte zich tegen massaproductie die vaak slecht van kwaliteit was.

to bequeath: bij testament nalaten.

developer: projectontwikkelaar.

fiery: hevig, pittig.

William Lever (1851-1925): Brits zakenman die ondermeer de wereldwijd bekende Sunlight-zeep ontwierp. Hij bouwde voor zijn arbeiders een dorp dat ook de naam Sunlight kreeg.

slum: sloppenwijk.

at a stroke: in één klap .

sylvan: landelijk.

Victorian: Victoriaans, naar de periode tussen 1837 en 1901 waarin koningin Victoria over het Verenigd Koninkrijk heerste.

In 19th century Britain, many millions of factory workers lived in appalling slums. By the end of the century, a lucky few lived in ‘model villages’ built by philanthropic capitalists. A handful of such settlements were built and most are preserved today in various forms. Many people regard Port Sunlight, built in the Wirral near Liverpool by soap manufacturer William Lever in 1885, as the most spectacular example because it combined the aim of improvement of the working class with the visual tradition of the sylvan suburb. It was built entirely in the Arts and Crafts style which was popular at the time. Moreover, Lever allowed it to operate at a loss and bequeathed a handsome sum for its upkeep on his death.

But now the money he left is finally running out and the situation has bitterly divided the village’s 1,000 inhabitants. The problem could be solved at a stroke by allowing developers to go ahead and build new homes for an extra 200 people. But this would involve building on the site of a former maintenance depot next to the Unilever building and would change the character of the village forever, which would, in turn, decrease its income potential from tourism. Part of Port Sunlight’s problem is that it has been slow in the past to exploit this potential. Many of the other Victorian model villages, by contrast, have even been designated Unesco world heritage sites.

The public enquiry into the proposed expansion, which takes place this month, is going to be fiery.

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